"; } else while (false != ($subdir = readdir($handle))) { // pick out subdirectories (not <.> e <..>) if (is_dir($pwd."/".$subdir) && $subdir != "." && $subdir != "..") { echo " $subdir
\n"; $flag_dir=1; } } rewinddir($handle); if ($flag_dir) {echo "
";} // done with subdirs if ($in=@fopen($pwd."/.authors",r)) { $fs=$pwd."/.authors"; $contents = fread ($in, filesize($fs)); echo "$contents
\n"; $flag_any=1; } if ($in=@fopen($pwd."/.title",r)) { $fs=$pwd."/.title"; $contents = fread ($in, filesize($fs)); echo "$contents
\n"; $flag_any=1; } if ($in=@fopen($pwd."/.others",r)) { $fs=$pwd."/.others"; $contents = fread ($in,filesize($fs)); echo "$contents
\n"; $flag_any=1; } rewinddir($handle); $notified=0; // for printin just one time locked files if ($flag_any) {echo "
\n";} if ($wd!="") while ((false != ($file = readdir($handle)))&&($notified==0)) { if (is_file($pwd."/".$file) && $file!=".authors" && $file!=".title" && $file!=".others" && !(ereg("\.php[3,4]?$",$file)) && !(ereg("^\.",$file)) ) { $bdir=ereg_replace("/data/httpd",$raw_location,$pwd); if ((file_exists($pwd."/.lock"))&&(!(validate($user)))) { echo "( files locked by "; $fp=fopen($pwd."/.lock","r"); $lockedby=fread($fp,255); echo "$lockedby)"; $notified++; } else { echo "($file)\n"; } $flag_file=1; } } //if (($flag_file)||($flag_any)) {echo "
";} //DEBUG //rewinddir($handle); //echo "Dir contents:
\n"; // while (false != ($sub = readdir($handle))) { // echo "$sub
"; //} //echo "
\n"; //ENDDEBUG closedir($handle); } // END parse_dir //--------------- MAIN PROG --------------------------------------------------------- umask(666); //setup some useful pointers if (ISSET($_REQUEST["user"])) $user=$_REQUEST["user"]; if(!ISSET($user)) { if (ISSET($_REQUEST["name"])&&ISSET($_REQUEST["pass"])) { $user=create_user($_REQUEST["name"],$_REQUEST["pass"]); } else { $user=""; } } // base directory $pwd_base=trim(`pwd`); //base path (corrected for http referencing) $http_pwd_base=ereg_replace("/data/httpd",$raw_location,$pwd_base); //current dir $pwd=$pwd_base; // current path $http_pwd=$http_pwd_base; // $wd=""; if (ISSET($_REQUEST["wd"])) { $wd=$_REQUEST["wd"]; $pwd=$pwd_base."/".$wd; $http_pwd=$http_pwd_base."/".$wd; } // in the case, take care of locking/unlocking of dirs if (ISSET($_REQUEST["lock"])&&($_REQUEST["lock"]==1)&&validate($user)) { $fp=fopen($pwd_base."/$wd/.lock","w"); fwrite($fp,get_username($user)); fclose($fp); chmod ($pwd_base."/$wd/.lock",0777); } else if (ISSET($_REQUEST["unlock"])&&($_REQUEST["unlock"]==1)&&validate($user)) { unlink($pwd_base."/$wd/.lock"); } //this being done, go on with the prog! echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n
"; // ------- lets you go back one level (if not already on downmost) echo "

Available Papers (/$wd)

"; echo " Help!

"; echo "
"; if ($wd!="") { if (up_one_dir($wd)) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } } else {echo "";} echo " Back one level"; if ($wd!="") { echo ""; } echo " Back to SIRAD page"; echo "

"; //DEBUG //echo "Now parsing...($http_pwd_base, $pwd, $wd)
\n"; //ENDDEBUG parse_dir(); echo "
"; echo "
\n"; echo "
"; if (validate($user)) { echo "User: ".get_username($user); echo "

\nLOGOUT\n"; } else { echo "Unknown user

"; echo "to access some of the papers you will need to log in here at right --->"; echo "
click here if you need help
"; } echo "
\n"; if ((!(validate($user)))&&(get_username($user))!="Guest") { // the needed login form is provided echo "
"; echo "User:
"; echo "Passwd:
"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo "
"; } else { // we can add a dir/upload a file/etc echo "RELOAD this directory
\n"; echo "CREATE a new directory here
\n"; echo "UPLOAD a file in this directory
\n"; echo "MODIFY paper authors/title/etc.
\n"; // if it's the case, let's you lock/unlock the files if ( !(is_file($pwd_base."/".$wd."/.lock")) ) { echo "LOCK"; } else echo "LOCK"; echo " data in this directory
\n"; if (is_writeable($pwd_base."/".$wd."/.lock")) { echo "UNLOCK"; } else echo "UNLOCK"; echo " data in this directory
\n"; } echo "

\n"; ?>

remember: each paper should have its own dir.
for each directory a title and a list of authors can be specified
and several files (*.ps, *.pdf, ...) can be included

l33t dynamic page created by Riccardo