No fees are required to participate at the Course.
The costs for travel, lunches, dinners and hotel are in charge to the participant.
Purpose of the Course
The Course, organized by INFN Section of Padua, Physics Department and Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padua, with the support of the INFN National Laboratory of Legnaro, has the purpose of promoting the formation and to give state-of-the-art knowledge to PhD students, young researchers and engineers (operating at Universities, Research Institutes and Industries in High Energy Physics, Astrophysics, Space Science and Technologies, Medical Physics) on:
-semiconductor detectors and electronics for applications in High Energy Physics, Astrophysics, Space Science and Technology, Medical Physics, both at device and system levels;
-radiation effects on semiconductor detectors, electronic devices and systems;
-Italian and European irradiation facilities for interdisciplinary applications and Medical Physics .
The Course will be located at the INFN National Laboratory of Legnaro (Padova, Italy), April 11-15, 2011.
Organization of the Course
The duration of the Course is 5 consecutive days. The Course will be focused on the following issues:
1st day. Visit of the INFN National Laboratory of Legnaro. Physics of Radiation. Radiation environments in High Energy Physics, Space and Medical Physics. Introduction to semiconductor detectors at device level.
2nd day. Semiconductor detectors: radiation damage and recent developments to improve their radiation hardness. State of the art in semiconductor detectors: 3D, Silicon Photomultiplier and Monolithic detectors.
3rd day. Electronic devices and systems for High Energy Physics and Astrophysics: read-out electronics, digital electronics and FPGA, power supplies. Radiation effects on electronic devices and systems sue to Total Ionizing Dose (TID) and mitigation techniques for radiation effects in electronics for LHC, Super-LHC and Space applications. Case studies CMS at CERN and CDF at Fermilab.
4thday. Single Event Effects induced by ions, neutrons and protons in electronics (basic mechanisms, simulations, irradiation facilities and case studies).
5th day. The SPES project at LNL. Medical the interdisciplinary applications of neutrons. Natural Radioactivity.
Every day consists of 8 hours of lessons (4 hours in the morning and 4 hours in the afternoon) divided in modules of 1-2 hours.
The lessons are performed by University Professors and Scientists/Technicians from Research Institutes, Italian and European Industries.
The official language of the Course is Italian, some lessons could be in English.